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Monday, February 20, 2017

The Takitawah by A.B. Thomas

The Takitawah

by A.B. Thomas

Rating: **** (4 stars)
Page Length: 145
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal

The Takitawah is an urban fantasy novel trying to be packaged as erotica. It is a shame since the series has the potential to be one of my favorite urban fantasy series. 

I found myself being sucked into the story and carried away into the fantastical and downright crazy world of Jared Club - a bounty hunter for the Gods. Even the premise is unique in the urban fantasy world. So are the characters of the book. Urban fantasy is dominated by strong female leads, Jared Club is neither female nor strong. He is kind of a looser, but with just enough compassion and strength that you find yourself connecting with him anyway - kind of like a guy you would date because you feel sorry for him. 

I gave The Takitawah a strong rating because I really enjoyed the book and I saw a lot of strength and potential in the author. Unfortunately, there were some downfalls to the novel as well - all of which stem from trying to make an urban fantasy into erotica. The characters lack descriptions, you never know much more about them than their height and size. You are unable to visualize them. Yet the characters are so alive and distinct otherwise that this is a disservice. Also, the book is only 145 pages, which is not enough time to truly develop the depth of plot that this book deserved. Instead, whole sections were summarized in one paragraph so the story could move along. It felt like the reader had to be cheated so that the book could stay in the restrictive page length of an erotica novel. 

I really enjoyed The Takitawah and look forward to seeing what A.B. Thomas creates next. 

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